August 14, 2011

Whoa! Summer, slooooooow down a bit.

The last few weeks of summer and I still have a list the length of my arm of stuff I want to do with my family...*pout* We're trying to squish it all in, but the days are no where near as long as I remember them to be when I was a kid. I wish I could hit the pause button. I already know that once Bunny, Madi goes back to school, Im gonna miss her madly..We've been so busy with family stuff, summer stuff, and me with my painting stuff....Right now, Ive got 4 client pieces a-go with a wee waiting list for others..BUT, once school starts, Ill be fulltime again and be able to get those pieces done like that *snap* with an excellent, wonderful, memorable summer behind me and thats whats important at the moment. I have managed to sneak in a mural painting. A new business is opening here in Calgary and I was hired to paint the logo on the bay door....very exciting!! Ill share more about this later,since Im not done the logo yet and the business is open yet...*grin* Ive been sneaking over in the am and then again in the pm, since being ladder high with the sun on my back on a cement tarmak isnt overly productive for successful detailed painting of a very large metal door...

Here's a sneak peak of me in action tho:

Well, Im going back at'r..which right now translates into: laying in the backyard with my FAVORITE pink Grapefruit slurpee, and my book..while I listen to the best sound in the world: Kids Playing.


  1. Cant wait to see it done!

  2. Haha! I know exactly where that door is...I stopped by last week to pickup an ASCP order and get a sneak peek of her new studio. Nicely done:)

  3. Thank you!!! Thats too funny SMB..I guess this city is smaller than I think sometimes. What colors didja get?


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