I am starting to see blinding bright light at the end of this year end tunnel. Its glorious and bittersweet. Ive been MIA for awhile now..please, I apologise. Since my Bunny is headed to middle school next year (gasp!)Im pretty sure Ive had extra year end parties besides just the normal amount of year end parties to arrange, field trips to attend, Bunny's friends birthday's "which fall during summer so lets have it now before summer" parties to shop for and schedual in. Then there's been dance and other extra circular things to be there for..photo's and rehersals and recitals to proud-cry at. My Revived Vintage is taking right off and I have a studio stuffed to the rafters with furniture to paint..which.is.awesome!! Last week was the Misters birthday, O, and I accidently created a "paint the bathroom project" that was completly not supposed to be in the cards....man,..just everysingle day, I had somewhere to be and something to do..how anyone with more than one child juggles is a mystery to me and a re-affirmation that one Bunny works just perfectly for us. Then in the midst of all of this..My Grandfather, who I am very extrememly close too had a stroke...so, we packed right up and off to Edmonton I went dropping everything else to the wayside.... My Grandma had a stroke a few days before and my cousin is working hard on kicking cancers ass, so we stopped in Red Deer for a long overdue visit with them both. It was a whirlwind trip but I loved seeing every single one of them. Once Bunny is off of school and everything else, Ill be going back up...to Edmonton and Red Deer to get more laughter and time in. Make loving your people a priority people!!
Today, I am home alone all day and so I plan to abandon all housework and finish the last of The Queens bedroom set, pictures soon to follow, as well as a coffee table...stay tuned...and thank you for waiting for me. It not often I leave my blog in limbo and I sure dont like doing it.
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